This is a new feature for SCOM 1807 under administration.

We need to make sure that 1807 has been applied properly in SCOM. We know that 1807 is just an UR update for 1801, so we need to follow the same procedure for UR update. You may refer the below article for more details.


There is a discovery called “Microsoft.SystemCenter.OM.Products.Discovery” and targeted to “SCLibrary!Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthService” which is running every 86400 seconds to discover all the OM products available in SCOM.

The discovery executes the PowerShell script called SCOMInstalledProducts to get the information and it will add the values into the property Bag.

Please make sure that SCOM SQL server should have SCOM agent installed and we are not using any custom port for the Database else it will fail.

For Database:

/****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS  ******/
SELECT TOP (1000) [BaseManagedEntityId]
 FROM [OperationsManager1801].[dbo].[MTV_Microsoft$SystemCenter$Installed$Database]

For All the Agent and MS products:

/****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS  ******/
SELECT TOP (1000) [BaseManagedEntityId]
 FROM [OperationsManager1801].[dbo].[MTV_Microsoft$SystemCenter$Installed$OMProducts]


You may need to restart the SCOM services on MS. If the 1807 patch has been applied for the first time, reboot is a must for the SCOM management servers.