Post Views: 7,656 Select mh.INSTALLTIME,mh.INSTALLEDBY,bm.displayname,av.isAvailable from dbo.MT_HealthService mhinner join BaseManagedEntity bm on mh.basemanagedentityid=bm.basemanagedentityidinner join dbo.Availability av on av.basemanagedentityid =mh.basemanagedentityidWHERE bm.DISPLAYNAME IN(‘ServerName’)   Query to Update for all Manually installed Agent:   UPDATE MT_HealthService SET IsManuallyInstalled=0 WHERE IsManuallyInstalled=1 Query to Update for specific Manually installed Agent:   UPDATE MT_HealthService SET IsManuallyInstalled=0 WHERE […]

Post Views: 2,353   Many of you asks if we can get a SQL query where you will just run a SQL query to pull the CPU and Memory data in a single query.   I have made a SQL Script which is available here:   This query […]

Post Views: 2,432     Solution 1:   You can run the PowerShell Script which is located here:   ##################################################################<#Purpose: This script will help you to identify in how many groups the server is part of #># You need to copy this GroupInfo.PS1 file to a location on your […]

Post Views: 3,385         I have written some useful SQL queries which will help to get data from Orchestrator database.   Query 1: The following query will help us to get the job details for a Runbook. Select RB.Name, RB.Path, RT.Id, RT.RunbookServerId, A.Computer , RT.Status, RT.Parameters, RT.LastModifiedTime, […]